Health Insurance
Health Insurance – We participate with most health insurance plans. Before you come in for your first visit, we will confirm the eligibility and benefits and inform you of the particulars of your insurance coverage for physical therapy at the time of your first visit. You can also request that we call you before you come in to let you know what your benefits are. We will also work with your doctor and insurance company to obtain authorization for therapy when it is required.
We will be more than happy to obtain the necessary information from you before you come in for your first visit. We will need your insurance company name, group number, insured’s identification number, date of birth and insurance phone number.
We provide electronic insurance billing services. Co-payments are collected at the time of each visit. Any balance due after the patient’s insurance has paid, such as coinsurance and/or deductible amounts, is billed to the patient on a monthly basis or as requested by the patient. Patients with a financial hardship may speak with the office manager to set up a flexible payment plan.
We accept most methods for payment such as cash, check, credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American express, Discover). We can also process payments over the phone with credit cards